White people are always asking what they can do to fight social injustice and inequity.
This is the wrong question to be asking.
Asking what we can do signals that we don't know what to do, and further that we are incapable of figuring out what to do on your own—that we need someone else to give us instructions.
The challenge of course is that "what to do" is highly contextual in any given incident, relationship, organization, political dynamic, etc.
The generic "what to do instructions" won't be applicable across every situation. And even if they were, without a deeper understanding and appreciation for the nuances and complexities of social injustice and inequity, are we really addressing and solving problems?
Or are we just band-aiding? Or worse, performing?
Most (but significantly not all) White people are better than that. If we choose to be better than that.
If we're truly committed, we will immerse ourselves in new situations, absorb new perspectives, continually observe how social injustice and inequity get perpetuated, connect the dots, articulate our clear point of view, and step up to intervene by challenging and disrupting unjust and inequitable systems.
In other words, we will do our own work!
When we do, "what to do" will emerge, and we won't need to be told.