"Lies are like bombs. . .They explode into the air shattering everything in sight, bits and pieces of our lives. I want to tell the truth. I want to say this is how it really is yet when I tell the truth they never accept it. It never fits with anything they want to hear."
- bell hooks
Whiteness is a lie.
A lie that over the centuries has become truth.
For those who identify as White.
And for those who are not White, who don't identify as White, who don't want to be White, who can't and won't ever be White, there is a different truth.
A truth that whiteness doesn't want to hear. Doesn't hear. Won't hear.
Can hear but chooses not to hear.
Because it has chosen the lie that is White supremacy.
A lie that over the centuries has become truth.
A truth that dominates narratives and psyches and politics and board rooms and dining rooms and executive suites and neighborhoods and communities.
That intimidates and suppresses, demands obedience and oppresses.
That marginalizes and exploits, subjugates and represses.
That explodes and shatters everything in sight.
A cacophony of sound that leaves little room for the truth that is not White supremacy.
A seemingly endless din of reverberating dissonance.
That prevents the true truth from being heard and believed and understood.