I design and lead compelling facilitation experiences for White folks to engage in uncomfortable conversations about racism.
White Affinity Group Facilitation
White leaders, you know you should be talking about race and racism with your team, but you don’t know where to start. In challenging yet supportive small group (maximum of twelve people) guided facilitated sessions, we’ll go from trepidation and uncertainty to confident and empowered. I offer facilitation packages for:
Intact Teams
Groups of People Managers
Change Agents
Racism 101
In two 90-minute sessions, we’ll explore and discuss:
the roots of systemic racism
what White supremacy really means
the difference between equity and equality
how to leverage our power and privilege to affect change
Deeper Dive into Racism
In four 90-minute sessions, we’ll do a deeper dive into Racism 101 topics, and we’ll also discuss the harmful impact of gaslighting, microaggressions, and the narrative of the privileged majority. Together, we’ll come to an agreement on—and hold ourselves accountable to—individual and collective action plans that disrupt the status quo and bring about real change in the organization and our communities of influence.
All In Commitment
In six 90-minute sessions, we’ll cover everything mentioned in the above sessions. We will add specific approaches for achieving racial justice that incorporate emotional intelligence, mindfulness, and storytelling techniques and principles. Folks will emerge with a clear personal and collective antiracist narrative, and will be equipped with a clear set of tools for communicating, holding space, sitting with uncertainty, and staying in uncomfortable conversations about racism.