Some may think that I hate White people because I speak against White supremacy, am critical of White people as a group, and call out the systemic racism, marginalization, and oppression that White people perpetuate.
Not true.
It's this binary "either/or" way of thinking that prevents too many White folks from engaging in racial justice work, or understanding the nuances and appreciating its urgency.
As long as White people are continually unable to talk about the evils of White supremacy without feeling like they hate White people, we will never make progress toward racial justice and equity.
And the systems and institutions will remain exactly as they are—with White people on top and everyone else beneath them.
Here's the thing:
Most of my friends are White. My entire family is White. Most of my colleagues are White. Many of my social circles and communities are White. In sum, I am regularly surrounded by whiteness. As we all are.
And here's the other thing:
I have the ability—as do you—to discern the character of any given individual White person, while also understanding that the system of White supremacy is perpetuated by the individual and collective unexamined attitudes of White people.
So, White people who are triggered by the term "White people": Get over it.