"There is always something enriching in the suffering of a creator who hopes his bottle thrown into the sea will one day reach its destination."
– Alain Mabanckou
Twenty months ago, I was challenged by a coach to write more regularly on LinkedIn. To say everything that I had to say. To say it with conviction and consistency and purpose.
To put myself out there more often, more convincingly, more powerfully.
To be candid, it was not a difficult challenge for me to rise to. I had been writing publicly for nearly ten years at that point. I had been saying what I had been saying for a while.
But I was in a lull. I was in a dip in form. I had lost what momentum I had gained.
So I started writing. Every day. It was fun. It was good. People noticed. People responded. People were interested. People were curious. People were inspired and moved and motivated to think and act and change.
I was driving impact. I was disrupting. Unapologetically. I was emerging and evolving and influencing.
Much of what I wrote made its way into a book. It got organized and edited and polished.
That book will come out in a few months. Once its out I will no longer be in control of how people will respond to its contents.
My bottle will be thrown into the sea. Maybe one day it will reach its destination?