Do You Really Expect Me to Change Who I Am?

"Most White people don't really WANT to know what to do about racism if it will require anything of them that is inconvenient or uncomfortable."

– Layla Saad

"I want to do something about racism, but I don't know what I should do."

"You should explore how your White privilege contributes to the perpetuation of systemic racism."

"How do you know I have White privilege? You don't even know me."

"White privilege isn't an indictment of you as an individual. It's an unearned advantage that has been bestowed on White people for simply being White."

"I don't believe that. I grew up poor. I worked hard. I've earned what I've got." 

"I'm sure you do work hard. Poor White people still have White privilege—especially since they have been indoctrinated over the centuries to side with wealthy White people because of their shared whiteness instead of with Black people with whom they share common economic and social concerns."

"I'm not siding with anyone. Dr. King said we should treat everyone equally."

"There's a difference between equality and equity."

"Stop badgering me about this. I'm a good person. You're making feel bad about myself for being White."

"You're showing your White privilege right now."

"You're being mean. That's unfair. Do you really expect me to change who I am?"