Always With Compassion

I always aim to treat people with compassion.

Even the people who disagree with me.

Even the people who attack me.

Even the people who say and do and think things that are harmful and ignorant and dishonest.

I tell the racist he's a racist.

I tell the sexist he's a sexist.

I tell the homophobe he's a homophobe.

With compassion.

I write and speak and coach and train and dialogue for equity and inclusion and justice.

I call people on their shit. I object to bigotry and discrimination and prejudice.

With compassion.

I share my perspectives even if they're not popular, even if I'm not "supposed" to, even if people don't want to hear them.

With compassion.

I challenge the status quo. I disrupt bro culture. I question the dominant narrative. I decline the invitation to cuddle in the arms of "people like me."

I confront power and privilege.

With compassion.

None of this is contradictory. I am in alignment. I am centered. Grounded. Equanimous. Confident. Competent.

I come from a place of love. Not from a place of fear. Or hate.

I seek connection. I establish trust. I cultivate relationships. I build bridges over chasmic canyons to reach shared understanding.

I am curious. Empathetic. Always learning and growing and teaching and collaborating.

Always with compassion.