"Dominant discourses of individualism, exceptionalism, and meritocracy work to sustain collective denial about racism and other forms of injustice."
– Crystal Fleming
Most White people are really stupid about race.
So stupid that Crystal Fleming wrote the book How To Be Less Stupid About Race.
I'm almost done with it. It's fucking awesome.
I'm a White dude. I don't claim to be an expert on race.
I do claim to be less stupid about race than most people.
And a lot less stupid about race than I used to be.
You know why?
Because I read books like this. No one tells me to read them. No one forces me to read them. No one expects me to read them.
I choose to read them.
I intentionally seek books like this out. And then I very intentionally read them.
I take notes. I highlight. I absorb concepts and frameworks and perspectives. I perpetually get less stupid about race.
I don't say things like "I don't see color," or "Not all White people are racist," or "My dentist is Black so I get it," or "That's reverse racism."
Instead I STFU and listen.
This isn't about me bragging.
This is about me doing the work so I can be less stupid about race.
This is me demanding you do the same.
Don't tell me you're doing the work. Just do it.
And be less stupid about race.