Listen to Black Women

In Crystal Fleming's book How To Be Less Stupid About Race she has a chapter entitled "Listen to Black Women."

The opening sentence says this:

"White (male) supremacy socializes us to devalue the critical insights of Black women and girls."

So, if I'm a White male, which I am, I have a choice.

I can play my part to take this truth seriously. And I can work to reverse it.

I can stand up to White male hegemony. I can disrupt old boys' networks. I can challenge bro culture.

I can speak out when I witness or hear about Black women and girls not being given credit for their insights and intellectual contributions.

I can proactively and intentionally center the perspectives of Black women and girls.

I can challenge my White male colleagues (and anyone else) who regularly dismiss, discourage, and disregard the efforts of Black women and girls.

I can read books and articles written by Black women. I can follow Black women on LinkedIn and Twitter. I can listen to podcasts centering Black women's perspectives. 

I can evolve my consciousness and expand my understanding of "normal."

Or, I can shrug off that statement, not reflect on its truth, and continue to not care about the inequitable and oppressive world that I have contributed to.

I know what I'm doing. What about you?