Be Mindful of How You're Showing Up

"When we respond from a more dispassionate perspective, and are not just caught in the game of defending or promoting our ego, it is as though a different world opens up. We begin to see how our limited focus has prevented us from developing a bigger vision of what is going on and how best to respond to it."

– Judy Lief

As leaders, when we become attached to our opinions and perspectives, we are often doing considerable harm to ourselves and others in our spheres of influence.

This is especially true in times of stress and uncertainty.

And often the people most impacted are the people who are already marginalized. People already on the downside of power.

When we lack self-awareness, choose not to self-reflect, and fail to slow down and observe our own thoughts, we unwittingly foster a reactive, chaotic culture where people don't feel psychologically safe. 

In unsettled times, leaders need to be very intentional about cultivating a culture of respect, humility, and inclusion. 

Values such as equanimity, empathy, and curiosity are not nice-to-haves. They're essential.

People are depending on leaders to model the poise and humanity that will guide us through these difficult and unpredictable circumstances. 

Please be mindful of how you are showing up. It matters.