How Do We Break The Cycle?

One of the reasons we don't have workplaces where everyone feels like they belong is because we don't really know each other. 

Sure, we work on projects, and we eat lunch, and we may even do some social stuff with select colleagues. 

But do we really share with each other more than the superficial traits about who we really are? 

Do we feel like we know – really know! – our boss, our direct reports, our coworkers? 

Do we know their pains and triumphs and dreams and fears?

Or, are we trapped in a realm of static "professionalism" and boring decorum? 

Why are we afraid to be vulnerable, to reveal truths about ourselves that show our deeper motivations and inspirations and reasons for living? 

It's that lack of vulnerability that makes us inaccessible, closed-off, mysterious. 

Every day – every hour! – we miss opportunities to deepen relationships, to deepen connections, to deepen trust. 

How do we break this cycle? 

Someone's gotta take the lead. Someone's gotta give permission to others to be vulnerable by being vulnerable themselves. 

Someone has to model the behaviors and mindsets that we need in the workplace. 

I try to be that person on a regular basis. Will you be that person with me?