A Bro Conversation

"Hey, bro, how's it hangin'?"

"Hey, bro, it's hangin' a little to the left."

"Ha, ha, ha, ha. . ."

"Ha, ha, ha, ha. . ."

"How late were you here last night, bro?"

"'Til about 1:00am, bro."

"Man, that sucks, bro. You missed an epic party, bro."

"Don't remind me, bro."

"So many hot chicks, bro. I was so effed up, bro. I could barely see straight." 

"Ha, ha! Well, I did three lines of coke just to stay awake and get this release out, bro."

"No way, bro. You're insane. Ha, ha! I haven't done that much coke since my senior year at Stanford, bro."

"I needed to do it, bro. Hey, bro, was _____ from HR at the party? I think she's got a thing for me."

"Yeah, she was there, bro. Oh, man, she was lookin' good, bro."

"Hey, bro. Cool it, here she comes. Hi, ____, how you feelin' this morning?"

[No response. Keeps walking.]

"Ha, ha, bro. I guess she doesn't have a thing for you, bro."

"It'll happen, bro. I just gotta be patient."

"Right on, bro. Well, I gotta get to work, bro." 

"Okay, catch you later, bro."

"Hey, wait, bro. Happy hour today, bro?"

"Totally, bro. I'm down. Let's start the weekend off right, bro."

"I'll round up some of the girls from Marketing, bro."

"Right on, bro. Can't wait."