Embrace Humanity—All of It, All the Time

Here are a few pointers for those who are struggling to be an effective ally.

1. Don't tell people (including yourself) that you're an ally. You don't decide if you're an ally or not, other people do. Show don't tell.

2. Be more than an ally. Be an accomplice. Be a co-conspirator. Notice the unjust rules and laws and regulations that are creating barriers to opportunities, that are limiting access, that are creating and sustaining inequity. Smash that sh*t to pieces, not because you're a rebel, but because you believe in civil disobedience.

3. Don't strive for, expect, or demand recognition for your efforts. You don't get a pin or a cookie or a ribbon. And, really, who wants that shit anyways—for anything!

4. Learn about and then embody social justice principles—agency, liberation, equity, participation, human rights, dignity, regard.

5. Accept, understand, and embrace that the narrative of the privileged majority will always, always, always be a marginalizing and oppressive force, even when—especially when—it is not being done with malicious intent.

6. Don't take things personally. Don't make it about whether you're "good" or "bad." Do the work because you are called to do the work. Do the work because it's the right thing to do.

7. Embrace humanity—all of it, all the time!