A few years ago I wrote an article on LinkedIn about why I put my pronouns on my profile.
I told a story of a transgender kid in my class when I was teaching sixth grade.
I wrote in a matter-of-fact manner – intentionally centering empathy, compassion, trust, connection.
I shared his situation, our relationship, and my role in helping him reveal his secret to his classmates.
I concluded with a CTA: we all – especially those of us from one or more dominant groups – can show up in a very positive way for others.
If we consciously choose to do so.
That's the thing – we have to consciously choose to do it. Not once, or a few times, or even a lot of times, but always.
It has to become who we are, a non-negotiable part of our essence.
Which is good for the people whose stories and voices we are amplifying.
And it's also good for us. We know that our efforts are contributing to a more equitable world.
So when someone left a comment on my article that simply said "#trendy #virtuesignaling", it doesn't distract from my greater purpose.
I responded that I was curious to hear more if he was willing to elaborate. He didn't respond. And that was that.
I carry on doing the work.
And inspire people who are further along on their journey and ready to receive the message.