Why Do We Lack Urgency?

"To be Black and still be alive in America is to know urgency."

 – Hanif Abdurraqib

 Much of that urgency is created by the lack of urgency on the part of White people. 

White people, what are we doing to understand and appreciate and create the urgency in our organizations, in our communities, in our families, in ourselves?

What are we doing to move beyond our privilege?

What are we doing to use our power to drive impact and affect change?

What are we doing to stop wallowing in our complacency?

How are we changing our behaviors, our attitudes, our actions?

How are we building genuine relationships with Black people?

How are we holding ourselves accountable to know better so we can do better so we can be better?

Why do we lack this urgency?

What are we not seeing? What are we not understanding, appreciating, and recognizing about the way the world works, about how the systems of White supremacy continually oppress, marginalized, harm, and kill?

Why do we need to be told over and over again what we can see with our own eyes, feel with our own heart, believe with our own intellect?

Why are we not disrupting the status quo? Why are we not changing the systems?

Why are we not matching the urgency of Black people?

It couldn't be because we don't care, could it?