Uncomfortable Being Uncomfortable

"To not have the conversations because they make you uncomfortable is the definition of privilege. Your comfort is not at the center of this discussion. That is not how this works."

– Brené Brown

You're uncomfortable because you don't have the answers, because you can't solve the problem, because your mother said not to talk about "controversial topics."

You're uncomfortable because you have a narrow worldview, because you have a provincial mindset, because you have not taken the time to understand and appreciate the lived realities of others.

You're uncomfortable because you take things personally, because you aren't self-actualized, because you don't know how to absorb criticism.

You're uncomfortable because people who are different from you have different perspectives, because they share them with conviction, because you don't know how to respond.

You're uncomfortable because you center yourself, because empathy is an abstract concept, because you're not curious.

You're uncomfortable because you haven't learned to sit with uncertainty, because you can't hold space for new ideas, because you're attached to being right.

You're uncomfortable because you don't want to change, because you like being comfortable, because you're uncomfortable being uncomfortable.