A few reasons why people don't talk about race at work:
I'm uncomfortable.
I don't know what to say.
I'm White so I have nothing to contribute.
I was hired to [insert job function] not talk about race.
Why is it always about race?
Black people always play the race card.
Talking about race is divisive.
Whenever I talk about race, I say the wrong thing.
My manager told us not to talk about race.
My manager has no racial fluency.
My manager is Black and always wants to talk about race.
Politics and work shouldn't mix.
Talking about race is distracting.
What about class and gender?
Our company is a meritocracy.
Slavery happened a long time ago.
My family never owned slaves.
We had a Black president so there's no more racism.
I don't see why race it's relevant.
I don't see color.
There's really only one race – the human race.
Race is a social construct, so it doesn't really exist.
I just want the best person to do the job; I don't care if they're Black, White, purple, or green.
It's easier to talk more generally about "D&I" stuff.
We had an hour long unconscious bias training already.
I feel guilty because I'm White.
And the film ends with our hero the status quo hoisted onto the shoulders of adoring fans and carried off into the sunset.
The screen fades to Bla – uh, I mean, White. . .