We Like You, Rhonda, But You’re Just Not a Kappa

A lot of White folks think racism only comes in the "burning cross" variety.

Obvious. Hateful. Murderous. Aggressive.

Easy to identify, condemn, and unite against.

But, actually, most racism comes in the "sorority" variety.

Not always easy to identify, condemn, or unite against.

Chris Rock defines sorority racism like this:

"We like you, Rhonda. But you're just not a Kappa."

Kind. Polite. Courteous. Friendly. Smiley.

And racist.

We like you Rhonda, but you're just not leadership material.

We like you Rhonda, but you're just not a culture fit.

We like you Rhonda, but we think Jim should make the presentation.

We like you Rhonda, but our lunch table is full.

We like you Rhonda, but you didn't get the promotion.

Sorority racists equate being nice with not being racist.

Sorority racism is difficult for people who don't have racial fluency to recognize it as racism.

Sorority racism is easy to participate in. And just as easy to explain away.

Sorority racism is gender nonspecific.

Sorority racism preserves White supremacy.

Sorority racism thrives in professional, political, and social contexts because people don't realize – or don't care – that they are perpetuating sorority racism.

I think we should file a class action lawsuit against the Greek authorities.