Not all White people are racist. But a lot are.
Not all White dudes are vigilantes hunting and murdering Black joggers. But some are.
Not all White cops use their uniform to protect themselves from their racist actions. But a lot do.
Not all White women work to limit the career opportunities of Black women. But a lot do.
Not all White people use the N word in casual conversations. But a lot do.
Not all White people think Black people should stop playing the race card. But a lot do.
Not all White people dismiss the lived experiences and everyday realities of Black people. But a lot do.
Not all White people believe we live in a meritocracy. But a lot do.
Not all White people refuse to self-reflect and recognize their privilege. But a lot do.
Not all White people tone police when a Black person shares a legitimate concern. But a lot do.
Not all White people consume media from only White voices, lenses, and perspectives. But a lot do.
Not all White people have mostly or solely White social circles and professional networks. But most do.
Not all White people managers, recruiters, and interview panels engage in biased hiring practices against Black people. But a lot do.
Not all White people will react with fragility to this post. But a lot will.