Awaken All of Yourself 

"If you want to awaken all of humanity, awaken all of yourself."

– Lao Tzu

Leaders, please here this clearly:

No one can make you do the right thing.

Dozens of laminated, multi-colored, poster-sized lists of do's and don'ts strategically placed in elevators and snack areas and conference rooms does not create an inclusive culture.

No training on unconscious bias or cross-cultural awareness or avoiding stereotypes or harassment or empathy or mindfulness or microaggressions or anything else will lead to fundamental change in company culture.

A thousand ERGs, diverse interview and candidate slates, women's leadership initiatives, PRIDE days, solidarity marches, and cultural celebrations will not move the needle.

If. . .

You don't intentionally commit to elevating your self awareness and cultural competence on your own.

Nothing will change If you don't read and listen and learn and get coaching and grow and expand and check your biases and be humble and be vulnerable and admit mistakes and publicly advocate for people "not like you" and use your influence to change policy and actively participate in uncomfortable conversations.

If you're not willing to do all of that, then it's just a big facade. A performance. And nothing will change.

So, are you ready to do the work?