Sometimes I Get It Right; Sometimes I Get It Wrong

One of the challenges for me as a White man doing DEIB work is finding the balance of being outspoken and relevant – especially for other White people – and de-centering myself and my whiteness.

I am continually thinking about it, but I don't always make the right decision. My impact doesn't always align with my intentions.

Sometimes I get it right. Sometimes I get it wrong.

I'm an extrovert. A storyteller. A writer. I love to talk with people. Build relationships. Amplify the voices of others. Offer perspectives that challenge assumptions. Share stories for self-reflection. Invite people to dialogue.

I try to model public vulnerability and intentionality. Inspire other White people to think more deeply about their role in creating more equitable and inclusive cultures of belonging.

I share my views on cultural, political, social, historical events. I articulate these views with a variety of audiences in a variety of settings.

I try to find the balance between curiosity and prying, empathy and pity, confidence and arrogance, humility and meekness, compassion and being a savior.

Between being an advocate and centering myself.

Sometimes I get it right. Sometimes I get it wrong.

I don't make the best decision every time. But I do try to learn from my mistakes every time.