What If I Sat Here, Did Nothing, and Lived in the Present Moment?

"Life is to be found in the present moment, not in the future."

– Thich Nhat Hanh

Did I do the right thing?

Could I have said that differently?

Is she mad at me?

Will I get that consulting gig?

Should I change the strings on my guitar?

Will my daughter get better at piano?

Am I really just a fraud?

Will my cross country trip this summer with my grandma be postponed?

Is racism ever going to not exist?

Will anyone I know die of COVID?

Do I really have to do more Zoom calls tomorrow?

Will I ever be as good at soccer as I used to be?

What if my clients don't like my work?

Will I ever see a concert at The Fillmore again?

Do I think that piece I sent to that online magazine will get published?

Will my son get bullied in middle school because he's not into sports?

What if I can't sleep tonight?

Is the next book I read going to be boring?

What if I make a typo?

Should I post less often?

Who's going to win the election?

Will I ever travel to Japan?

What if I didn't try to answer any of those questions?

What if I sat here, did nothing, shut off the computer, left the phone in the basement, breathed deeply, listened to the birds, felt the stillness all around me, watched the sunset, laughed with my family, and lived in the present moment?

I'll try that.