Remove the Shame

"If we can share our story with someone who responds with empathy and understanding, shame can't survive."

Brené Brown

This passage encapsulates why I center strategic storytelling in my diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging work.

We don't tell enough stories in a workplace setting. 

We focus on business and results and efficiency and productivity and innovation and deadlines and deliverables and revenue and client acquisition and customer service. . .

But do we really know each other? Do we really trust each other? Are we really connected? 

Do we really appreciate and value and embrace our own and each other's unique lived experiences that have shaped our perspectives and how we navigate the world? 

I don't believe we do. 

We're afraid to be vulnerable. We're afraid of exposing our true selves because it's too revealing, too raw, too emotional, too damn scary. 

What if people judge me? Don't like me? Laugh at me? Hurt me? Demote me? Fire me? 

Senior leaders especially need to share their stories. Set the tone. Model public vulnerability. Explicitly give permission for a storytelling culture. 

Remove the stigma of bringing your true self to work. Remove the doubt and uncertainty and discomfort. 

Remove the shame.

Let's start telling our stories.