Conventional wisdom tells us that people who talk about race are racists.
Duh. Hashtag obvious.
It follows, then, naturally, that people who talk about sex are sexists.
I knew there was something fishy about Dr. Ruth.
And people who talk about misogyny are misogynists.
"Down with the matriarchy!"
And people who talk about the NBA are professional basketball players.
It's okay, even Steph Curry shoots airballs. Just not eight in a row.
And people who talk about music are professional musicians.
I couldn't find you on Spotify. Do you have a stage name?
And people who talk about books are professional authors.
I searched for you on Amazon, but nothing. Maybe you're using a bigger platform?
And people who talk about art are professional artists.
Right, your exhibit at the MOMA was last month. Shoot, missed it.
And people who talk about food are professional chefs.
This is yummy. Reminds me of Taco Bell.
And people who talk about wine are professional vintners.
Fruity, yet oaky. Crisp, yet refreshing.
And people who talk about exclusion are exclusionary.
And people who talk about injustice are unjust.
And people who talk about inequity are inequitable.
And people who talk about nonsense and absurdity are nonsensical absurdists.
Which sounds about right to me.