Educate Yourself and Do Better

It's not the responsibility of Black people to educate White people about "the Black experience."

White people need to educate themselves and do better.

It's not the responsibility of gay people to educate straight people about what it's like to be gay.

Straight people need to educate themselves and do better.

It's not the responsibility of trans people to continually remind cis people of their cis-normative actions and behaviors.

Cis people need to educate themselves and do better.

It's not the responsibility of women to point out to men that their old boys' networks and bro culture are perpetually contributing to the continued scarcity of women in leadership positions.

Men need to educate themselves and do better.

It's not the responsibility of people with visible or invisible disabilities to educate non-disabled people on what it's like to not have access to what you need to succeed at your job.

Non-disabled people need to educate themselves and do better.

People whose dimensions of diversity place them wholly or partly in the dominant group need to take the responsibility of educating themselves about the lived experiences of people who are part of one or minority groups.

Ease the burden of responsibility and emotional labor.

Educate yourself.

Do better.