Thanks for Calling the Tone Police

"Thanks for calling the Tone Police, how can I help you?"

"I'd like to report an incident."


"A Black woman was very rude to me in the break room after I complimented her hair and reached out to touch it."

"Oh my god, that's awful. What did she say?"

"She slapped my hand away, and said something about not being a pet. I don't remember exactly because I was so shocked by her tone."

"I'm sorry this happened to you. Are you okay?"

"I'm a little shaken, to be honest. You just can't. . .treat people like that."

"I know. It's becoming an epidemic."

"Do you get a lot of calls like this?"

"Every day! And they're basically the same thing: An overreaction to a perceived injustice."

"Wow! When will people realize that rudeness will not solve their so-called problems?"

"I'm not sure. But that's why the Tone Police is here: to restore civility to the conversation."

"Thank you, Tone Police, for all your work. I feel better just knowing you exist."

"You're welcome. I've logged the incident and will be following up soon with her manager."

"Well, I hope she gets the message. Because things can't go on like this. I mean, how are we supposed to work together in this environment?"

"Rest assured. It will be handled. Thank you for calling the Tone Police. Have a great day."