There Is a Better Way

For 2020 (and beyond. . . forever. . .), I invite you to center your perspective and your relationships through the lens of the following four principles:

1. Empathy

Remember that your norm isn't the norm.
Truly listen to the stories and experiences of others.
Build trust and connection with your team.
Don't jump to conclusions, invalidate perspectives, or dismiss concerns.

2. Vulnerability

Be a possibility model for others.
Ask for support when you need it.
Admit your mistakes, struggles, and failures.
Share your personal emotions, insecurities, and doubts.

3. Curiosity

Adopt a beginner's mindset, not an expert's.
Observe without judging or reacting.
STFU (seek to fully understand) the perspective of others.
Engage with new and unfamiliar people, cultures, and content.

4. Equanimity

Get comfortable being uncomfortable.
Be okay not knowing.
Start a mediation practice to stay calm under pressure.
Remain present in the face of conflict or uncertainty.

In our mad rush to "get results," we have perpetuated workplace cultures that lack connection, inclusion, and belonging.

There is a better way.

We all want to feel connected.
We all want to feel included.
We all want to feel like we belong.

And, we all have the responsibility to be the change we want to see.