You're Gonna Kill the Bastard Who Ate Your Pie

You walk into the dining room for a sumptuous piece of grandma's homemade blackberry pie. Your mouth waters, your stomach growls, your body tingles with anticipation.

Until you discover that the pie is gone. WTF?

You're so pissed off you could cry. You fume. You stomp your feet. You can't believe the injustice!

Which ungrateful, compassionless asshole ate a second piece of pie and deprived you of what was rightfully yours?

You plot your revenge, which ranges from verbal abuse to direct physical violence – and maybe more.

You work yourself up, foam at the mouth, cuss up a storm.

When grandma walks out of the kitchen, smiling, with a freshly baked second pie and offers you a piece.

That's how diversity and inclusion works, folks. There's always enough pie for everyone. The pie is expandable. It's not a zero-sum game. It's not an either/or thing.

Amplifying the voices of people who are underrepresented does not mean dominant voices are silenced. It's not about scarcity. It's about abundance. It's a both/and.

The pie is expandable. If we run out, grandma will make some more. And the new pie will be just a good as the previous pies.

And we all can enjoy the delectableness.

Pie is much better when enjoyed with a friend, don't you think?