Expanding Our Understanding of What Drives Change

I wonder what would happen if more diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging people (or whatever combination people are using) expanded their understanding of what actually leads to more diversity, of what actually leads to more inclusion, of what mindsets and frameworks create more equity, of what truly helps everyone feel like they belong.

There's too narrow of an understanding of what's needed – programmatically, intellectually, behaviorally. In the urgency to "get results" and "increase the numbers," organizations and DEIB leaders continue to emphasize the same old tried and tired approaches that may lead to short term gains and may be things you put as "accomplishments" on a resume – at the expense of the difficult stuff that builds trust and connection.

Building inclusive workplace cultures of belonging takes time. It takes individual and collective evolution of consciousness. It takes public vulnerability, sharing stories, engaging in uncomfortable conversations, a willingness to learn and grow.

So, yes, do your unconscious bias trainings. And, yes, hire black engineers. And, yes, create more ERGs. But don't only do those things. You have to also do the things that move people who don't really care about any of this stuff to care about all of this stuff.